About Us
Connecting Learning Assistance Professionals
Throughout the State of Florida
As the first affiliate of the International College Learning Center Association (ICLCA), the Florida College Learning Center Association (FCLCA) provides professional development opportunities for learning assistance professionals, helping them establish professional connections and discuss best practices with colleagues across the state. Membership and participation is open to current learning assistance professionals as well as any other student services professionals who work closely with or want to learn more about college learning centers in Florida.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the organization is to create a network of college learning support professionals in postsecondary institutions operating in the state of Florida. Objectives of the organization are:
a) To support learning assistance professionals as they develop and maintain learning centers, programs, and services to enhance student learning at the postsecondary level.
b) Promote professional standards in the areas of administration and management, program, curriculum design, evaluation and research.
c) Act on learning assistance issues at the local and state levels.
d) Assist in the creation of new and enhance existing learning centers and programs.
e) Provide opportunities for professional development, networking, and idea exchange through conferences, workshops, institutes, and publications.
f) Coordinate efforts with related professional associations; and offering forums for celebrating and respecting the profession.

Our Story
It all started with a phone call: one learning center director reaching out to another learning center director about emerging issues impacting learning centers at universities and state colleges. The conversation continued, and in early 2012, a group of learning center professionals from several Florida colleges discussed the need to scale this conversation and form a network of colleagues to bolster collaboration and encourage fellow practitioners. With the first conference being held in April 2012, the conversation has continued now for over ten years.
During its 10-year history, FCLCA has held annual conferences at higher education institutions across the state and enjoys a diverse, active membership of practitioners from state universities and colleges as well as private institutions. The organization has also offered various other professional development opportunities such as webinars and institutional spotlights.
Join us as we continue the conversation on how to best support ourselves, colleagues, and students in the field of learning assistance.

A special thank you to our founding board members:
President: Patricia A. Maher
University of South Florida
Vice President: Jennifer Bebergal
Florida Atlantic University
Secretary: Sara Hamon
Florida State University
Treasurer: Lindsay Singh
Florida Gulf Coast University
The FCLCA E-board was selected in 2024 with the following officers for 2024-2025:
President, Kim Copeland, Palm Beach State College
Vice President, Patrick Dempsey, Florida Atlantic University
Membership Secretary, Phil Arroyo, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Treasurer, Nicholas Bodnar, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Professional Development Officer, Sam DeZerga,Tallahassee State College
Marketing & Publications Officer, Nicole Perez, Florida Atlantic University
Immediate Past President, Kelly Fischel, Florida Gulf Coast University