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Benefits & Membership

FCLCA seeks to involve as many learning center professionals as possible from all areas of student academic support throughout any postsecondary institution within the state of Florida. Members are strongly encouraged to seek membership in NCLCA as well (through a separate application process found here).


Benefits of joining FCLCA is as follows:

  • Will be invited to join the FCLCA listserv

  • Will be invited to attend statewide meetings and conferences

  • Will have voting privileges on FCLCA business

  • Will help support the ongoing professional development of learning center professionals throughout the state

  • Will receive mentoring as requested from other learning center professionals within the organization.



Membership in FCLCA is as follows:

  • All FCLCA spring conference attendees will be gifted one-year FCLCA membership. The dates of the membership year are April 1 - March 30. Membership begins the month of the conference.

  • Those who do not register for and pay for the annual FCLCA conference can purchase membership which will be valid through the following March 30th. 

  • Membership dues are $25 ($10 for a student or Emeritus member) annually.


Become a FCLCA Member


Register for Annual Conference AND receive 1 Year of FCLCA Membership!

Step 1: Complete Membership Form
Step 2: Make Membership Payment


Paying by check? Contact Rebecca Piety for an invoice.

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