Executive Board Position Descriptions & Term Limits
Title: President
Term: The President is a one-year term and shall assume the office of Past President for the year immediately following the expiration of term as President.
Be the principal officer of the statewide Association and subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall in general supervise and control all business and affairs of the Association
Act as chairperson and presiding officer of the Board of Directors, shall act as presiding officer at every meeting of the membership of the statewide Association, and prepare the agenda for these meetings
Call special meetings of the statewide Board of Directors
Be an ex/officio member of all standing committees and Task forces
Act as liaison and official representative to other professional associations
Serve as liaison to national association (NCLCA)
Ensure effective transitions for all offices
Establish and maintain the calendar for his/her presidential year
Draft position papers on topics of professional ethics, standards for the adoption of the membership or issues affecting learning assistance professionals
Coordinate research activities of the Association
Title: Vice President
Term: The Vice President is a one-year term; elected annually. The Vice President shall assume the office of President for the year immediately following the expiration of term as Vice President.
Assume the duties of the President in the President's absence
Chair the Professional Development Committee which includes coordination of statewide annual meeting/conference
Coordinate any other professional development activities
Assume the office of President after serving one year as Vice-President
Title: Secretary
Term: The Secretary is a two-year term; elected bi-annually
Record the minutes of all business meetings of the membership and of the Board of Directors
Prepare and submit to the membership any Bylaw revisions
Notify members of all ratified changes in the Bylaws and maintain the accurate, most current copy of the same
Ensure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law
Maintain and update the archives and records of the association
Evaluate and identify new means of enhancing communications among the Board of Directors, NCLCA and FCLCA membership and educators working in the field of learning assistance
Create, coordinate, and distribute all promotional material and official correspondence of the Association
Serve on the Professional Development Committee to assist with the planning of the annual statewide meeting/conference
Maintain and analyze a database of membership records
Serve as registrar for statewide annual meeting
Coordinate membership drives for retention and recruitment
Development, maintenance and oversight of Association website
Title: Treasurer
Term: The Treasurer is a two-year term; elected bi-annually
Receive, record, hold and disburse all monies of the Association at the direction of the Board of Directors
Arrange for an annual compilation of the treasurer's accounts
Present an annual statement of the Association's accounts to the membership
Prepare the Annual Budget in conjunction with the board
Arrange to have any tax forms or forms regarding the legal status of the Association properly prepared and submitted
Collect and account for monies related to the annual meetings and conferences
Receive and process membership dues and conference registration fees
Title: Marketing/Publications
Term: The Marketing/Publications Officer is a two-year term; elected bi-annually
Manage the FCLCA website
Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Planning Committee, including taking the lead on the creation and graphic design work for the conference program and conference signage
Work in collaboration with FCLCA Board members and the general membership in the development of future publications such as online forums or an E-Newsletter
Title: Professional Development
Term: The Professional Development Officer is a two-year term; elected bi-annually.
Assist the Vice President in the coordination of the annual statewide conference
Coordinate the conference proposal and selection process from requests, through review, to final decision recommendations to the full Board
Coordinate conference presenter process including notification, post-session surveys, survey/assessment data, collecting presentations for the website and coordinating moderators